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    Sunday, March 16, 2008

    Eating Habits

    In the past couple of weeks we've introduced a few more solid foods to Camden's diet. In addition to rice cereal, Camden's added (pureed) sweet potatoes, squash, peas, green beans, pears, and prunes. In that order. We were advised by many to start with veggies first because he'll love the natural sugar in the fruit for sure. He's had no problems with either the vegetables or fruit. He usually gets a couple of ounces of fruits or veggies with his rice for his evening meal. We're still giving him the stupidly expensive Enfamil with Nutramigen, too (thanks to Tracy L. for the coupons!).

    Camden's been sleeping a lot better in the past couple of weeks since we got back from Dayton. Upon returning we started the process of ferberizing him made popular by the book Healthy Sleeping Habits, Happy Child. I kept calling it Febreezing him, but apparently that's a different technique and I won't be covering that in this post. Anyway, the technique entails letting him cry it out a little more and having a more structured routine around sleeping. So far so good.

    He goes down much easier but still gets up about once a night, sometimes twice. We'll feed him or change his diaper or both and he generally goes back to sleep pretty well. There have been a couple times where he's slept from 630pm-7pm until 5am-6am. That's been great!

    Daycare has been great too. Here's a picture of Camden with his girlfriend, Paulina. Paulina is 3 days younger than Camden. The kids get to take rides in a 4-seat push buggy and the teachers put Camden and Paulina next to each other. One day, they strolled in the buggy hand in hand. Word is teachers from the other classrooms got wind of this and were poking their heads out of their classrooms to get a peek. It sounds like this might be getting serious. I think it's time that we meet Paulina's parents.

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