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    Monday, November 12, 2007

    Starting To Figure Things Out

    Camden is a little more than 2 months old now. Each day continues to bring new joys for us. He's beginning to become more aware of his surroundings and even responding to them. He's responding to our voices more and coos back at us when we talk to him as if we're having a conversation.

    Camden has his own language and we're doing our best to decipher it. He also seems to have tremendous control of his neck. I'm not sure what's normal for his age, but he appears to be holding his head up really well.

    His hands are his latest discovery. He holds them in front of his face and follows his fingers. He's also sticking fingers in his mouth now. A habit we're trying to help him curb early, but not sure how much success we'll have with that.

    Sleeping is still somewhat sporadic, for both his parents and himself. A couple of nights ago he actually had 5 straight hours of sleep. He's probably going for about 3-4 hours at a time right now. He's taken to the bottle really well. Almost too well, for his Mommy's liking. Camden rarely "bellies up to the bar" anymore if you know what I mean.

    I mentioned that each day we experience something new with Camden. Obviously, everyday brings something new for Camden too. In the spirit of doing something new everyday, I was made aware of an interesting blog. There is a woman in New York who is trying to do something new everyday. She started the day after she turned 29 and is continuing until her 30th. She's journaling everyday and it's a pretty interesting read. Check it out.

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