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    Sunday, September 14, 2008

    Camden's First Haircut

    We took Camden for his very first haircut on Sunday. He was long overdue, but we thought he looked damn cute with his straight brown locks hanging over his ears and tickling his eyebrows. But it was time. So we took him to a Kids Hair, Inc. for his first style. As you can see in the pictures, he wasn't a big fan. Thankfully, Grandma Sindt was with us and reminded us to give him a pacifier. Whew! That made a HUGE difference.

    Well, until the electric razor came out. Then the waterworks started again. All in all, it wasn't the worst experience ever. Mommy kept a few strands of hair for his scrapbook and we were all done after only 8 minutes in the chair. His stylist, Andrea, was quick and definitely experienced with fidgety guys like Camden.

    Afterwards, we all commented on how "mature" Camden looks now. It's amazing how a haircut immediately aged him. We already thought he looked more like a big boy after bringing Ethan home, but the haircut really did it. There's a sampling of more pictures from Camden's traumatizing experience and you can see all of the pictures in this haircut slideshow.

    "Get me outta this chair!"

    "What's she doing back there!"

    " nook. thanks, grandma."

    "enough already!"

    Camden is not in love with his stylist, Andrea.

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