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    Tuesday, September 23, 2008

    Camden's One Year Well Baby!

    In all the excitement of Camden's first birthday and Ethan's birth, I forgot to post details of Camden's 1 year well baby check up! We find that Camden is a precocious little person! He's hitting and exceeding all the well baby milestone lists (Such as "May take a few steps on his own (our little man walks, runs and climbs!);) and we learned there are very few things on the lists of things we as parents should do for our child's next steps (for example, encourage your child to eat on his own... Camden's been a self feeder for months!).

    Camden actually sat fairly patiently on the scale this time and we were pleased that he weighed in at just over 20 lbs! I didn't know if he'd hit that mark or not. That bumps him way up into the 15% for weight among his peers :-) I forget his height, but it was over 30 inches and somewhere in the 65% percentile. His head has not deviated from the 50% mark since that particular piece of anatomy has maintained well!

    In some ways, it's been a challenge keeping up with Camden. Since he only likes to eat what he can feed himself, we've been working at family meal planning and offering a variety of new food choices.

    His early walking and great control of his large muscle groups, coupled with his determined attitude has given us several interesting run ins with unexpected objects, like his love and adoration of the Swiffer mop. He's nearly perfected the 'correct' use of his favorite object, but there's been some frustration around mastering the mop. All in all very cute and only a little scary when he wields the mop like he's ready to do battle :-)

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