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    Thursday, October 23, 2008

    Camden's Latest Milestones

    Camden is at 14 months of age now and his personality continues to grow and make us laugh. He's very proficient at going up and down the stairs and even closing the gate behind him. We still don't let him climb the stairs unsupervised, but he can crawl up without much problem.

    He's also very good at letting us know exactly what he needs. He'll point at the bananas on the counter and say "ba-naa-na" or "dis" or "dat". He'll do the same if he sees his sippy cup or a container of Cheerios. We gave him an apple recently and found that he would hold it in his hands by himself and eat it without any trouble. Peel and all. He also likes to toast you. So if you hold your glass to his sippy cup, or anything else he has in his hand, and say "Cheers!" he loves to toast with you. Camden has also been tossing his food over the side of his high chair to Oliver and following that action with an "uh ohhhh!" It's hard not to laugh at him.

    Camden is also down to one bottle a day and taking the rest of his liquids in his sippy cup. We're also weening him from formula and mixing it with soy milk. The transition has been pretty seamless. We haven't seen any adverse reaction and he doesn't seem to mind the change.

    On occasion, if you ask Camden, "Where's your belly button?" He'll raise his shirt and point to his belly button.

    He's sleeping pretty well. On occasion he'll wake up at 3am for just a little bit, but that's been pretty rare. For the most part he'll sleep through the night waking up sometime between 530am and 630am. If we're lucky, he goes until 730am. He's only done that once or twice.

    He and Ethan are getting along great. Camden will sometimes give E an eye gouge if we're not paying attention. We continue to practice "gentle touches" with him, but he still doesn't really understand his own strength. He'll tug on his feet or hold his hands at times, but he's not all that interested in playing with him.

    We continue to be amazed at all of Camden's milestones and the kid just makes us laugh and laugh. He has such a beautiful little person voice and communicates with his in his own unique way. He's so aware of his surroundings now and that curiosity kids develop is starting to become more apparent.

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