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    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    (Odd Numbered) Batteries Not Included

    Here's some random commentary on something I've noticed with having a child. Several items we have in our house that we use as soothing mechanisms require batteries. Nothing too out of the ordinary there. What I do find odd is the number of batteries required to operate them.

    The bouncy chair (pictured to the left) requires 3 AAA batteries. Three? The pack and play that has music and nature sounds takes 3 AA batteries. Don't the people that manufacture this stuff know that batteries come in even numbered packs? Couldn't you engineer the thing to take ONE more battery and power for that much longer? Even if you can't, humor me and make room for the 4th battery just so I can store it there.

    Gracco Bermuda Pack and Play
    Not only do these devices take odd numbered batteries, the battery covers themselves are impossible to open. In the non-baby world, most battery covers either slide on and off, or they have a little tab release mechanism. But in the baby furniture world, battery covers are screwed on with miniature phillips head screws.

    Now, Camden's daddy isn't exactly Ty Pennington (or Bob Vila for the older set). I don't have 32 phillips screwdriver heads to pull out of my toolbox to see which one fits. I have one. And if that ONE doesn't work, Camden doesn't get a vibrating bouncy chair with MIDI music.

    I can't believe that this is a safety feature either. Even if the battery cover was a tab release or a slider, There's no way Camden has the dexterity at this age to get underneath his bouncy and pull open a battery cover.

    Husky 40pc Screwdriver Set
    Future parents, beware. Arm yourselves with an odd number of batteries and get a nice set of screwdrivers.

    Whew! I'm glad that's off my chest. Maybe I'm just grumpy and sleep deprived. We'll return to regularly scheduled Camden blogging shortly.

    And speaking of batteries...
    Q: How many batteries does it take to shock a Michigan Wolverine?
    A: One AA. (See, they're messed up also because they take an odd number of batteries, too.)

    COMING SOON!......Exclusive video of daddy changing Camden's diaper...Camden's "pooh" face...and pictures of some of Camden's visitors.


    squakk said...


    Paige said...

    oh i love reading your blogs, they leave me chuckling for hours... too funny. and a fabulous michigan joke too, i'll share that with my friend mike who will most definitely NOT appreciate it at all. EXCELLENT! hehe

    Anonymous said...

    Great Uncle Bob buys batteries by the 12-24 packs of all sizes and all the pictured screwdrivers. All that is necessary for his MR FIX-IT abilities. If we were closer he would have helped out. Now you know what he hauls in his BIG Freightliner... A tool shop on wheels.
    As for the small pieces that Camden cannot reach, if he had a 2 year old toddler sibling that would be a different story.
    More research in babyhood safety in your generation than when we were new parents.
    Enjoy... Great Aunt Jan