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    Friday, September 21, 2007

    Our Little Wii

    Camden spent the better part of the day doing what he does best, which is sleep. We did, however, get some good awake time with the boy. We had a nice dinner with Jennifer Dugan who stopped over for a visit tonight. Jennifer has been such a great friend to us over the past few months while Kim has been on bedrest. Our meager spare rib dinner was the least we could do to thank her.

    We also had my coworker Mike Farmer and his wife Susan over for dinner last night. In all the excitement we somehow forgot to snap a picture with them. In any case, we were happy to have them over to visit with Camden. They, like my parents, have grandchildren that are hundreds of miles away so they could relate with my parents. Farmer also got a chance to reminisce about 'Nam with my dad. Not the war, but from his days with Cargill Animal Nutrition and his trips to Vietnam :)

    To wind down after a long day, my parents requested that we Wii. My mom played the boxing game while Camden watched in horror.

    Grandma Nguyen Wii Boxing

    "What is that evil machine?!"

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