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    Sunday, October 28, 2007

    Daddy's Fall Trip

    Daddy was able to get some sleep this week :) I had a conference in Orlando the first part of last week, so I had to leave little Camden behind. I was very apprehensive about doing so, but Kim insisted that she would be fine. And what happens when daddy leaves? Mommy breaks out the Iowa State Cyclone gear. I must admit he looks damn cute in that gold Cyclone onesie.

    Camden also made his debut a few weeks back at the local Ohio State Alumni Chapter. Max, pictured to the right and not an alum, took quite a liking to Camden. Max has grown so much since the time we first met him back in the early 2000s. Max was so inquisitive and asking all kinds of questions about Camden. His dad told us how much Max loves babies and is always drawn to them. It's always fun to watch how children interact with Camden.

    Camden went to his very first dinner party last night. Avid blog readers may recall when we had Mike and Susan Farmer over to visit Camden. Well, stupid mommy and daddy forgot to get a picture of them with Camden while they were here. It was their dinner party we were going to so we made sure to get some pictures with them this time. That's Camden wearing the outfit that the Farmer's got for him (Daddy's going to look back at this picture one day and think, "What's going on with my hair?" I already am thinking that).

    It was such a great time. They had invited people of all different ethnicities and it was an international potluck style dinner. Camden was quite the charmer as he always is. He got passed between all the ladies.

    We asked Camden to be on his best behavior so that we could use this night as a babysitting recruiting tool. And it worked :) We have a few good candidates that have stepped up.

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